ZBrush for Jewelry Designers: Sculpting a Printable Violin

ZBrush for Jewelry Designers: Sculpting a Printable Violin


This course is designed to give you hands-on experience polygon modeling with the ZModeler Brush in ZBrush. This "Brush" is actually a complete toolkit that allows you to work directly with polygon's and their components; points, edges, and faces. I start with reference imagery and a single polygon and I show every step in the process for creating a complete model of a violin, ideal for using in jewelry design. The course finishes with a demonstration of how to convert a complex model made of many parts into a single, 3D printable surface suitable for casting. You will work with Dynamic Subdivisions, polygroups, Boolean operations, Dynamesh, Zremesh, QMesh, and the 3D Print Hub plug-in. Upon finishing the course you will be well prepared to make your own printable and castable jewelry designs and you'll gain experience working with ZModeler. This course was designed to be a follow up to my first to introductory courses "ZBrush for Jewelry Designers: The Fundamentals" and "ZBrush for Jewelry Designers: Understanding ZBrush Geometry". Where as those courses are an overview of the interface and the tools available in ZBrush, this ocurse is a step-by-step guide that shows how the tools can be used to create a finished model.




Published at October 31, 2023